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Westwood South of
Santa Monica Blvd.
Homeowners Association
About WSSM
This website is out of date and serves as an archive.
The WSSM WEBSITE contains information about issues, problems, pending legislation and opportunities that we will have (or hope to have) the opportunity to address in some way. We welcome your interest and participation. Come to a WSSM meeting. Join us in testifying before the City at a public hearing. Help to track an issue or a development that may affect our community. Do research on a matter of concern. Network wtih your neighbors; become a block captain or co-captain to help be a link between our residents, WSSM and the City.
If you cannot be involved, we hope you will take the time to be informed and to support your HOA with annual dues.
Thursday evening, June 7th
St. Timothy's Church Social Hall
Special thanks to our guest speakers:
LA Co. Supervisor Zev Yaraslovsky and
LA City Councilmember Paul Koretz
LAPD Senior Lead Officer Rashad Sharif
and pepperoni), pasta (bolognese and vegetable primarvara), bread and
desert. Coffee service was kindly donated by Peet's on Westwood.
We are grateful to all our Annual Meeting donors:
Underwriting sponsor: Mike Cockinos, Coldwell Banker Brentwood
Door Prizes:
ABC Nails
Bossa Nova
Cafe Chez Marie
California Fresh
Coffee Bean and Tea
Crown Car
Laura Levine Books
Peet's Coffee
Tender Loving Care Dog Grooming
2020 Wine
Westwood Nails
We urge you to visit these local merchants and, while
there, thank them for participating in our
Annual Meeting!
A summary of the evening's program will be sent
out in an upcoming WSSM email blast.
A letter from WSSM President Barbara Broide
Dear Neighbors,
Most of you receive the printed Westwood South of Santa Monica Blvd. HOA (WSSM) newsletter each year prior to our Annual Meeting. As a result, a few hundred will send in membership dues, about 200 – 300 will attend the Annual Meeting (the number depending on the “heat” of current issues) and others will sign up to receive our email notices that go out to announce timely hearings, crime alerts, planned traffic detours, etc. (Please sign up to receive those email notices at: wssmhoa@gmail.com.) With the advent of email, WSSM no longer sends out traditional newsletters more than once a year; the postage and printing costs are significant and by the time a newsletter is sent we find that new issues with new deadlines are upon us. The use of our website has also helped us to get information to our community members.
Some of you will contact us during the year by letter, email or phone to report a local problem and others may drop in at one of our monthly board meetings held the first Tuesday of each month. Our organization enjoys a long history of community activism since it was incorporated in 1971 and now represents about 3,800 single family and condominium households. We strive to protect, maintain and improve the quality of life in our community and find that to do so we must become well versed in issues pertaining to land use, zoning, traffic management and environmental regulation. It has become our job to stand before the City and demand that protections that should be ours under existing legislation including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and our own City’s ordinances including the Pico Westwood Neighorhood Oriented District (NOD) are not violated. And, in the absence of good citywide policy, we find that we must challenge individual project proposals as they arise. We find that battles rarely disappear; rather, they keep resurfacing and must be fought again and again.
Our efforts at City Hall rarely result in a perfect outcome; however our contributions can lead and have led to significant improvements in the measures being adopted. And, with the advent of the internet and emails, it has become much easier for citizen groups across the city to exchange ideas and share info so that we can address important measures with one voice. Victories give us new energy to fight on.
We invite you to attend our monthly meetings, to volunteer to track an issue, to serve as a block captain, to champion a project in the community. There are many needs; there are many opportunities. In this time of budget cutbacks at all levels of government, it will likely be up to the residents to do more and be more involved. This is, after all, our community. We live here and sleep here and see what works and what doesn’t work. We have made a large financial investment here. Through WSSM we can build a stronger community not just by reacting to City proposals, but by having our own vision for what we want our community to be.
My thanks to all those who have participated during the past year --- to our board, block captains, CERT participants, those who have attended hearings, sent in comments or testimony, and/or paid dues. We appreciate YOU!

At the meeting, members were asked to take action on the
election of members to the Association’s Board of Directors. A slate of candidates prepared by the
Nominating Committee was presented for approval first by the Board and then at the Annual Meeting of members. Each year, half of the Board is up for election.
The following individuals were elected to serve a two-year term on the Board:
Marilyn Cohon
Margaret Healy
Diane Maddock
Craig Rich
Pat Tobias
Jerry Tsai
The following Board members have one year remaining on their term:
Barbara Broide, Bob Cimiluca, Jim Fawcett, Dianne Gregora,
Steve Heller, Nancy Rae Stone.
All those serving on the WSSM Board are volunteers and receive no remuneration for the time they spend helping our neighborhood.
We are grateful to Real Estate Agent MIKE COCKINOS of Coldwell Banker, Brentwood for his continued sponsorship of our Annual Meeting and for the provision of mailing lists for our newsletter mailing. Mike can be reached at: 310 442-1399 or at: MC@MikeCockinos.com.
At the close of each Annual Meeting, we have the pleasurable task of awarding the generous gifts contributed by local merchants. We wish to thank our donors and encourage our members to visit them while shopping and/or dining out in the area.
ABC Nails, 10620 West Pico Boulevard, (310) 838-9693
Bossa Nova Brazilian Cuisine, 10982 W. Pico Bl.,
(310) 441-0404
Cafe Chez Marie, 10681 Santa Monica Blvd.(310) 475-2949
(310) 234-0333
Coffee Bean & Tea, 10800 W. Pico Blvd. & Midvale
(310) 284-9067
Peet’s Coffee and Tea, 1854 Westwood Blvd.,
(310) 954-8558.
Steingarten LA, 10543 W. Pico Blvd., (310) 441-0441
Starbucks, 10911 W. Pico Blvd., (310) 470-886310948 Santa Monica Blvd., (310) 470-0461
2020 Wine Merchants, 2020 Cotner Ave., (310) 447-2020
WSSM is part of the INFRASTRUCTURE ADVOCATES litigation which seeks to require the City to do annual assessments of infrastructure capability.
Advocates, a group of concerned community members throughout Los
Angeles, seeks to ensure growth in the City does not outpace the
infrastructure to support it. When City leaders blatantly ignored key
planning requirements mandated by law, Infrastructure Advocates filed a
lawsuit in 2008 (case number L.A.S.C. BS115435) to ask these key
planning requirements be enforced. Rampant development without the
sufficient infrastructure to support it has resulted in a severe
degradation of public services including furloughed firefighters;
gridlocked traffic; cash-strapped schools; water rationing;
deteriorating water pipes, sidewalks and streets, and decreased park and
library access.
You can read more about INFRASTRUCTURE ADVOCATES and the pending litigation at: http://www.infrastructureadvocates.com/index.html
A non-profit corporation established in 1968, the Westwood South of Santa Monica Blvd. Homeowners Association was founded to make a difference. As an Association, we as neighbors join forces and dedicate ourselves to the concerns, protection and betterment of our community. We seek to maintain and improve the quality of life in our community. The Association represents residential property owners located between Santa Monica Blvd. (on the north), Pico Blvd. (on the south), Beverly Glen Blvd. (on the east) and Sepulveda Blvd. (on the west), totaling over 3,800 homeowners.
Usual Board Meeting
Second Tuesday, 7:30 pm
November is election day. We will be changing the November meeting date. St. Timothy's Church, Basement Chapter meeting room (off alley just west of Beverly Glen).
Barbara Broide
Bob Cimiluca
Marilyn Cohon
Jim Fawcett
Dianne Gregora
Margaret Healy
Diane Maddock
Nancy Rae Stone
Craig Rich
Pat Tobias
Jerry Tsai