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Westwood South of
Santa Monica Blvd.
Homeowners Association
Our Schools
This website is out of date and serves as an archive.
WSSM's local elementary school serving K through 5th grades is:
Westwood Charter Elementary School
2050 Selby Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tel:(310) 474-7788 - Fax: (310) 475-1295
The school has an active parent body and welcomes community participation in tutoring, raising funds to support school programs, assisting children with homework, etc.
Each year a HALLOWEEN HOOT school carnival is presented. There aer many opportunity's for community support of the school and the HOOT.
The School's support group for fundraising is W.I.S.E.:
Westwood Involvement Supports Education (W.I.S.E.) is the non-profit parent support and volunteer organization at Westwood Charter Elementary School. W.I.S.E. raises funds to support and maintain educational programs, resources, and enrichment at Westwood Charter. Also, the organization supports and assists programs and activities that enhance the school community, and serves as a forum for parents to gather and exchange ideas. Anyone who is interested may participate in W.I.S.E. There are many ways to get involved and put your many talents to use.
The specific purposes of Westwood Involvement Supports Education are to provide support and assistance to the Westwood Charter Elementary School, including, but not limited to, support for academics, art, music, drama, philanthropic endeavors, and other programs, services, or acquisitions deemed to be in the best interests of the students, staff or school.
You may email us at:
You may write to us at:
Westwood Involvement Supports Education
P.O. Box 642360
Los Angeles, California 90064
You may leave a message for us at:
Westwood Charter Elementary School
Westwood Involvement Supports Education (W.I.S.E.) is a non-profit public benefit corporation incorporated and registered with the California Secretary of State and operating under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
WSSM's local middle school serving grades 6 through 8 is:
Emerson Middle School
1650 Selby Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: (310) 234-3100 - Fax: (310) 474-6517
The school has an active parent body and there are many opportunities for involvement.
The money raised through the Foundation funds programs, teachers and supplies that once were considered basic at public schools. Without the additional funds that are raised, the students of Emerson will be deprived of a well rounded education that includes drama, music, dance and technology.
Emerson’s education and enrichment programs need your support to continue to thrive. By investing in Emerson students and families, you are helping to sustain a vital part of the community and to make a difference in the quality of education offered at Emerson.
Emerson Advocates
The Emerson Advocates is a group of parents, future parents, teachers, administrators and community members committed to quality education at Emerson Middle School. Click on the link for more information.
Another group? Why? There are already opportunities for parents to be involved at Emerson.
- Parent Teacher Student Association
- School Site Council, School-Based Management, English Learners Advisory Council, Compensatory Education Advisory Committee
- Emerson Arts and Education Foundation
- Provide information - This group will provide information about LAUSD decisions that affect and will impact Emerson. Our first meeting focused on the Public School Choice motion that was later approved by the LAUSD school board on August 25.
- Provide opportunities for action - This group will allow stakeholders to be accurately informed, express concerns, and organize to continue to strengthen the Emerson community.
University Senior High School
11800 Texas Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 914-3500 - Fax: (310) 478-6535
Hamilton Senior High School
2955 South Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: (310) 280-1400 • Fax: (310) 842-8663
The Hamilton Booster Club is gearing up for a very busy year, and we hope that you will join the effort to support our wonderful school and students!
Visit our Fundraising Information page (http://www.hamiltonboosterclub.org/fundraising.html) to make a donation, purchase or renew your membership, and for tips on easy ways to support our school! Contact:
Students in LAUSD are able to use points to apply to attend schools outside of their local area. The Palms Magnet middle school and Venice High School, further to the west are two of many options that can be pursued.
If you would like our local school to benefit from a donation from Ralphs Groceries each time you use your Ralph's Club Card, please contact Westwood Charter so that they can register you for this fundraising program.
Send an email to:
Include the following information and they will register you for the program:
Your Ralph's Club Card Number* *This is a 13 digit number beginning with 2, on the back of your card
Your Last Name
Your First Initial
Your Street Address
Your City
Your State & Zip Code
Your Phone Number
If you don't have your Ralph's Card or don't know your Ralph's Club Card number, you can call the Ralph's Hotline at 1-800-660-9003.

Don't be part of the problem. Be part of the solution.
If you live near Westwood Charter, please read the street signs that are posted and make certain not to park in restricted areas during drop off and pick up times. Parents coming to school also need to remember that there is NO PARKING in the drop off zones where cars need to be able to drive in and out quickly. If you need to take more time to get your child ready for school, or if you need to run into the school for a moment, find a parking space outside of the drop zones that are on Selby and LaGrange. Cars that are parked or waiting in these zones cause traffic to back up into the intersections. PARENTS and those dropping off children at school should never allow their children to leave their vehicle while waiting in an intersection. This is an unsafe practice that endangers the safety of your child and others. Be safe.